» Read Online 50 Things To Do Before Seeing a Psychiatrist And How To Actually Do Them edition by Joe Baldizzone SelfHelp eBooks
Barbra Camacho on Saturday, June 1, 2019
Read Online 50 Things To Do Before Seeing a Psychiatrist And How To Actually Do Them edition by Joe Baldizzone SelfHelp eBooks

Product details - File Size 1394 KB
- Print Length 242 pages
- Publication Date February 24, 2017
- Sold by Digital Services LLC
- Language English

50 Things To Do Before Seeing a Psychiatrist And How To Actually Do Them edition by Joe Baldizzone SelfHelp eBooks Reviews
- You know, sometimes the exact right thing comes into your life at exactly the right time and this book is just one of those things.
I can't imagine anyone's life *not* being improved by taking just some of the steps suggested in this book.
The author's openness about his own life and his own struggles is very comforting and encouraging...he's been there and he's not afraid to admit his life isn't impossibly perfect, so he doesn't come across as preachy or self-righteous. He's with you, he is you and he genuinely wants to help.
It's also impressive that this book isn't so clinical that it's just plain boring. He shares enough of himself to make for compelling reading, which is rare in a book of this kind...reading it doesn't feel like a chore.
What I love is that this book does something few other self-help books do it gives you concrete, doable steps YOU can take every day, on your own. All roads in this book do NOT lead straight to therapy and medication. The whole goal is to explore other options FIRST.
Sometimes you read a book and you think "yeah, that's totally me, but now what do I do about it?" Joe Baldizzone fills in those blanks with actions that may seem deceptively simple at first glance, but prove to be very powerful in practice.
I've actually had extraordinarily bad experiences with therapists over the years and I'm really not too keen on trying therapy again, so this book is amazing for me. I can go at my own pace and not drag myself through the often useless, sometimes painful and occasionally damaging process of in-person therapy.
This book is so useful, I've already picked up 4 copies for friends and family. (While writing this review, I just thought of a couple more people I'd like to share it with, so I'll probably order a few more copies!)
I can't recommend it enough. Thank you so much for writing this book, Joe! - I love this book. This author is very positive and down to earth. He has struggled with depression, knows how it feels, and has used all of these methods himself. I have tried prescription drugs many times through the years to deal with depression and anxiety, and I have never been able to tolerate the side effects long enough to get any benefit from the drugs. Even if the methods in this book don't work for you, they won't do you any harm or cause negative side effects. These are all practical things that you can do on your own in real life, like exercise, meditate, journal, etc., that don't cost a fortune or take up so much of your time that they become a full time job. (Some of the activities, like exercise or improving your diet, would be good things to do with a spouse or good friend.) Many of the methods he suggests, like changing your diet or exercise habits, will improve other parts of your life as well. If you are battling low-grade depression and are still able to function, I would recommend this book---there is nothing here that will harm you and you have nothing to lose.
- I strongly recommend this book. A quote from page 136 "When you delay doing things that you know you should, want or need to, those things remain in your subconscious and have a lingering, gnawing effect. They steal little bits of your joy by prancing around in the background of everything else you think and do. They sap your energy quietly. You know they're there, you just pretend they aren't and find methods of covering them up. You might do other chores to feel that you're at least doing something productive, or you might even add to the gnawing by doing destructive or time wasting things...." You probably know all of that already but it's good to be reminded... and to be offered consolidated steps to get on the right track; this book does just that. So heed that quote and get the book then start digging in! Books have been saying such things for years but this book, as the title says, gives you 50 things and how to actually do them. Like any other book of this nature, you can't just read it and be done. However, after a quick read through (it reads fast) you can go back and easily pick out the tools you want to start working with. Of course, you will have to spend some time going through the things and writing them down separately and detailing your strategy/schedule for easy reference but you owe it to yourself to spend some time to do that and, again, any book would require that but this book lays things out as simply. I have haphazardly and coincidentally done some of the things in his book over my life and they have certainly helped me to achieve things that I certainly wouldn't have achieved without; I'm going to assume that adding his suggestions and applying them in a thought-out/consistent manner will take me to the next level- it certainly has done so for him. There IS hope. There is PROMISE. Follow the book. Baby steps.
As to the author and his credibility and the efficacy of his methods/suggestions It is remarkable to see who Joe has become compared to the picture of who he was and the mental challenges that all but kept him shut-in the house or intoxicated during his early 20's so the things he has done, and has put down on paper for us, clearly worked. - I have been a licensed family therapist for over 40 years. This book is filled with practical and very useful suggestions and advice the author has clearly used successfully in his own life struggle. I have begun to recommend it to some of my patients. Not only has he used these ideas personally, he has cataloged them here for your consideration and use. Much of therapy consists of learning about the parts of your history/personality that keep you from doing what you need to do to be happy. This book is some straight talk about what you can do to make your life more fulfilling. If, after reading and applying Mr. Baldizzone's suggestions, your life has not improved, then it may be time to seek professional help (not necessarily a psychiatrist).