Download Compendium of Acrylic Painting Techniques Gill Barron 0693508009479 Books

Aimed at all painters, from beginners to the more experienced, this book is packed with expert advice on all aspects of acrylic painting what to do, and what not to do. Learn how to choose and mix colors, and create a multitude of effects using only one set of tubes. Discover how to make your own equipment, set up a "studio" space, and use household materials to save money. Beginners can follow processes stage-by-stage, while more experienced artists can dip in and out for help with specific problems. A unique section on how to develop your art and take it to a wider public is full of professional secrets which can bring you success much more quickly. Try it and Fix it panels placed throughout the book suggest ways of practicing and developing new skills, and avoiding or correcting common painting errors.
Download Compendium of Acrylic Painting Techniques Gill Barron 0693508009479 Books
"The 300 tips were very informative and Inovative . The instructions for handling spicific details with regard to facial detailing was very helpful. I would recommend this book to all artists alike. It is a welcome addition to my art library."
Product details

Tags : Compendium of Acrylic Painting Techniques [Gill Barron] on . Aimed at all painters, from beginners to the more experienced, this book is packed with expert advice on all aspects of acrylic painting what to do,Gill Barron,Compendium of Acrylic Painting Techniques,Search Press,1782210458,9781782210450,Techniques - General,Acrylic painting - Technique,Acrylic painting;Technique.,Painting;Technique.,ART / Techniques / Acrylic Painting,Art,Art Art Instruction,Art/Techniques - Watercolor Painting,GENERAL,General Adult,Great Britain/British Isles,Non-Fiction,PAINTING,Painting art manuals,Techniques,Techniques - Acrylic Painting,Techniques - Watercolor Painting,painting supplies;painting;art;art books;artists;how to;art book;acrylic painting books;acrylic;acrylic paint;acrylic painting;acrylic painting techniques;painting with acrylics;acrylic painting instruction books;acrylic medium;acrylic ink;how to paint with acrylics;acrylic painting for beginners;acrylic paints;artwork;acrylic paint supplies;acrylic landscape painting;art instruction books acrylics;books on painting with acrylics;graphic design;art history;artist;biography;classic;regency,how to; art books; art; art book; acrylic paint; acrylic painting; acrylic painting books; acrylic paints; acrylic; acrylic painting instruction books; acrylic ink; acrylic medium; how to paint with acrylics; acrylic painting techniques; painting with acrylics; artists; acrylic painting for beginners; art instruction books acrylics; acrylic paint supplies; acrylic landscape painting; books on painting with acrylics; artwork; painting; painting supplies; graphic design; art history; artist; biography; classic; regency,ART / Techniques / Acrylic Painting,Art/Techniques - Watercolor Painting,Techniques - Acrylic Painting,Techniques - Watercolor Painting,Art Art Instruction,Painting,Art,Painting art manuals
Compendium of Acrylic Painting Techniques Gill Barron 0693508009479 Books Reviews :
Compendium of Acrylic Painting Techniques Gill Barron 0693508009479 Books Reviews
- I really love this book and wish I had ordered it 3 years ago when I got into acrylic painting as opposed to oils. I'm being Formally trained in college by professors whom I found to have little if any knowledge of acrylic paints and how to paint with it! They prefer oils it seems.This book tells you things like how to make a stay wet palette , one you can travel with outside and avoid drying out.. Things like what to do if mold gets in your paints rather than throw it out! Also how to use different acrylic paints with each other, for example ,the acrylics you use to paint on wood or glass acrylic can be used with the regular acrylic paint on your wood panel paintings. Seems obvious but I never thought of it. Thought it wouldn't blend right. A lot more included like how to mix flesh tones different with acrylics as opposed to oils. It is just a bit different and I could never get acrylic paint mixed right like I could the oils. I recommend this book to all acrylic painters new to it or done it for years. This author has painted in acrylics for 40 years I believe it says and she knows a lot of very useful info. I have a lot of books about acrylics but I know if I had bought this one first I wouldn't have needed all of those other books . Get this book and learn it all in one book! I highly recommend it!
- This is a great book, however it was previously published by Reader's Digest under the title "Acrylic Secrets" 300 Tips and Techniques For Painting the Easy Way" by Gill Barron. I hate when they re-release a book under a new title and don't mention it. I buy a lot of books and don't always read them right away and I've been known to make the mistake of buying a book twice because it has another name from the original and I didn't recognize the pictures in it, especially if it is an older book. Be aware...the Compendium of Watercolor Painting Techniques now for sale is also a re-release with the title "Watercolor Secrets" published by Reader's Digest. I just wish these publishers would be a little more open about the books that they publish when they've already been on the market for years and aren't new books at all. Once in a blue moon they might note that on the publishers info page, but not always. Very annoying.
- Now into my forth month learning to paint, This book was my first one on "How To" and I made a gem of a choice. This little book has so many tips and suggestions that I incorporated as soon as i read about them that I am having a great time painting with knowledge now after such a short time invested. From materials needed to tips on form, colors, well, anything to do with painting. You will not go wrong with this manual on about everything on acrylic painting.
- The 300 tips were very informative and Inovative . The instructions for handling spicific details with regard to facial detailing was very helpful. I would recommend this book to all artists alike. It is a welcome addition to my art library.
- Takes the place of several instructional books. Is Great!
- Great book for someone who is just learning all about these painting techniques and I think they can be used for different mediums, too, at least for the great ideas in the book. I'm ordering one for my friend!
- I recently took up acrylic painting, and this book is all I needed to get going. Great starter book, and I'm sure very useful to more seasoned artists. Concise, lots of tips, lots of useful illustrations. Excellent. Thank you Gill Barron!
- While browsing online through some art collections and current exhibits in London museums and public galleries, I clicked on "" in each site just to see what was available - I was mostly interested in books on collections and exhibits that included discussions of the artists' techniques and materials. For one of the large public galleries, this was the only acrylic techniques book listed for that store. So, I dropped in here to and read all the reviews. Then, I went elsewhere on the www and read more reviews. Then, I came back to and bought it. Over the last few months, I have consulted it as often, if not more often, than the other handful (i.e., less than six) technique books I keep handy while painting.
If you are like me and don't want to take the time to experiment to achieve a particular effect when painting (or also like me don't have a long attention span so don't always remember what I'm doing), this book should be added to your reference library.