» Read Online Love Your Life Not Theirs 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want Rachel Cruze 9781937077976 Books
Barbra Camacho on Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Read Online Love Your Life Not Theirs 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want Rachel Cruze 9781937077976 Books

Product details - Hardcover 272 pages
- Publisher Ramsey Press; 1st edition (September 14, 2016)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 9781937077976
- ISBN-13 978-1937077976
- ASIN 1937077977

Love Your Life Not Theirs 7 Money Habits for Living the Life You Want Rachel Cruze 9781937077976 Books Reviews
- This is a very easy to read book, but I was a bit disappointed in the makeup. I have not read any other Rachel Cruz or Dave Ramsey books but I am familiar with the baby steps they preach. This book was a regurgitation of those steps with a little story telling in between. I enjoyed the personal stories about Rachel and her husband, but I really didn't learn much more financially than I already knew going in.
- I am a big Dave Ramsey ,so if you listen to his show and purchased any of his books there is nothing new in this book.If you have never read any of Dave Ramsey"s books then I recommend this book.
- Disappointing...was pretty much just a reiteration of all she learned from her father. I would suggest reading "Total Money Makeover" instead, as it is more thorough and contains many examples.
- Let me preface this by saying I'm a huge Dave Ramsey fan. Rachel's book has been heavily advertised on Dave's show and I've been looking forward to reading it for months. I thought Rachel's book would address how to remain content with your life when everyone else's life is constantly paraded on social media. How does one remain jealousy free? How do I stay content to live in a smaller home, take frugal vacations while watching others take extravagant ones, and buy secondhand clothes while watching friends buy designer? However, her book didn't address contentment at all. She regurgitated the baby steps from Dave's teachings and told the same stories we've heard for years. Although she tried to be relatable, since she has never been in debt or owned a credit card, her references fell flat. If you're new to Dave Ramsey, skip this book and read The Total Money Makeover.
- This book has a lot of practical applications. The book was an easy read. I had a lot of meditative moments. I would highly recommend this book to anyone that wants to live a better life and not compare yours to someone else's. It was like she was reading my life story to me. I had a lot of aha moments. Once I started reading I couldn't find it it down or when I had to I couldn't wait to begin again. It was very inspirational! I will put this book on my repeat read again to keep me focused on the big picture and not to give up this journey! I put social media down so that I wouldn't feel the need to do things due to what others were doing or fueling bad behaviors because of this book as that is what I found myself doing. I'm glad I listened to her dad's show and he mentioned this book!
- This book is like Dave Ramsey's Total Money Make Over except aimed at a younger crowd. (I am middle aged.) I was disappointed in that I thought there would be new information outside of what's already available in TMMO or on the Dave Ramsey radio show. However, I know two twenty-somethings who read the book and got a lot out of it, so I think the book has value, just not so much for older people.
I especially appreciated when Ms. Cruze talked about navigating her way through money-attitude mistakes she had made. Sometimes it's easier to learn what to do when we learn what NOT to do.
I also appreciated the breezy, easy-to-read style of writing. It's not full of financial lingo. - I have been listening to the Audible version. Really did not care for Rachel's voice in the beginning but have gotten used to it because I love the principles she has. Piggybacking off her dad Dave Ramsey, I like her idea of the clip instead of money envelopes. This works better for us ladies whose bags are already full of too much stuff! This is a great book to help you stop living others lives and going into debt with them and focusing on your own goals.
- I'm a big Dave Ramsey and Rachel Cruze fan, but that being said this book was just repeating the same stories she says on her youtube channel or when she is a guest on the Dave Ramsey talk show. I anxiously waited for this book to be a little disappointed, I was looking for new information, stories, and tips.