» Download Swell A Sailing Surfer Voyage of Awakening Audible Audio Edition Liz Clark Random House Audio Books
Barbra Camacho on Friday, May 17, 2019
Download Swell A Sailing Surfer Voyage of Awakening Audible Audio Edition Liz Clark Random House Audio Books

Product details - Audible Audiobook
- Listening Length 12 hours and 31 minutes
- Program Type Audiobook
- Version Unabridged
- Publisher Random House Audio
- Audible.com Release Date April 2, 2019
- Whispersync for Voice Ready
- Language English, English

Swell A Sailing Surfer Voyage of Awakening Audible Audio Edition Liz Clark Random House Audio Books Reviews
- I am a pastor and I am a sailor. I also have daughters not such older than Liz. I grew up in Florida surfing and after many years away, I have come home to minister to people here and I sail whenever I can on Escambia Bay. I read this book during a tough time in my life. Something about Liz's courage and perspective on life makes me smile. I read the excerpt from the book in Sailing Magazine and knew I needed to read the book. I have never written a review on . I am a staunch conservative--theologically and otherwise. But I must confess that Liz's description of ecological issues both irritated me and challenged me at the same time. I love the earth God made, and I cannot deny we have messed that up pretty bad. I am impressed with Liz's transparency and her ability to write honestly and transparently. I'm not concerned as some have expressed, that she does not know how to feel about God--good grief, that's 99% of the people I minister to--and I'm not sure how even I feel from day to day. But there is something about the journey that matters. Liz seems to write about what matters. And (as a writer of sermons for over 35 years) I have to say, I am quite impressed with her ability to transfer experience into words. If you are a sailor--or maybe not--but just someone who dreams of getting out of the rut and facing the unknown with a certain clumsy trust in something (or maybe yes, some ONE bigger than you) then this book may very well help you too. Thanks Liz, press on. You have helped me and I'm sure you will help others to find their way too.
- This is an easy read and definitely a page turner. I could not put it down and flew through it.
I love reading about and watching YouTube videos of people who are living unconventional lives. It's interesting, intriguing, inspiring, and often fascinating. I also love stories of people who follow their dreams and when it takes them to places few have been before.
I've been following Liz's blog for a couple of years now and couldn't wait to read her book. It's an awesome and inspiring memoir about her adventures sailing and surfing around the world. It's also a deeply personal, raw, and emotional story about herself, her life, her relationships, and her spiritual journey. The book is about two journeys, her physical and travel journey on the open ocean sailing to so many beautiful and amazing places and her deep inner spiritual journey that she takes throughout this experience. They beautifully intertwine and go hand in hand. Reading this book is like getting to live vicariously through her and experience the journey second hand through her eyes. It also calls out the importance of climate change and how the oceans, animals, and people are being affected. She highlights the ever important fact that we need to work with nature, not against her.
If you've been following Liz on social media and reading her blog I'm sure you will definitely enjoy the book, or if you're a sailing and/or surfing enthusiast, or just a person who enjoys hearing about adventure and people following their dreams and staying true to themselves (like I do) you'll enjoy this a lot. - This is, by far, the best book to come out of “adventure†writing since Tania Abe’s book, “Maiden Voyage.†Although Liz Clark is a surfer, and there is some of that in this book, and a sailor, and there is some of that too, what it really is, is a journey book; Liz Clark’s inner journey as a human being. Many people write books about their sailing journeys. Very few write courageous, self revealing accounts of their fears, failures and successes wrapped up in a life adventure that is beyond most people’s imagination or even desires.
If you are a parent, get this book for your teenagers, male or female. It can act as a stimulus or a warning for young minds. It just may inspire them to think well beyond what you ever imagined. Other women have done similar exploits, but few have written so well about them. Share this with your friends. It is a marvelous, revealing and educational read of very high order.
As someone who has made two Pacific crossings, I can tell you that you can smell the salt air and the warm tropical breezes. But you will see it through intelligent and perceptive eyes. You will be exposed to hard truths about our world and where it is headed. Liz has what I consider a few answeres and a lot of thoughtful questions.
Don’t hesitate! You will likely love this book. And no, I do not know Liz Clark. Wish I did. - Man against man. Man against nature. Man against himself. Except this time he, is a she. Single handed sailing is not for the weekend skipper, especially when she's a thousand miles from everything, and her vessel is taking on water, and her foresail tears, and her berth is soaked, and her clothes smell like low tide, and lightning threatens her navigation and communication systems, and...it never ends. Swell is a story about resilience, determination, and the compassion of the human spirit. It's about discovery, personal and otherwise. It's about the generosity of strangers, the devotion of family and friends, decency, and the malicious nature of someone close. If you love sailing, ocean wellness, the South Pacific, dropping into a perfect reef break with no one out, read her story. It will change you.
- Just finished this & thoroughly enjoyed it, spreads the message that people are generally good & kind & that the problems of polution need addressed now & not tomorrow
- An incredible book which I recommend to anyone sailor or not -- this is an epic journey through life. I have not sailed in years but will always remember the myriad of experiences from board boats, a Lightning and other daysailers to a 28 ft centerboard sloop I sailed on the Chesapeake back in the 70s while stationed in Washington D.C. I identified with moments of stress when things go wrong and break -- squalls -- reef the main and the sheer delight of running before the wind with a spinnaker deployed. Solo sailing as Liz has done and others is a singular achievement in overcoming exhaustion. Don't know how she did it -- a tough and "give it all" person.