» Read The Hypochondriac Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have Dennis DiClaudio 9780760366349 Books
Barbra Camacho on Friday, May 31, 2019
Read The Hypochondriac Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have Dennis DiClaudio 9780760366349 Books

Product details - Paperback 208 pages
- Publisher becker&mayer! Books (October 1, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0760366349

The Hypochondriac Pocket Guide to Horrible Diseases You Probably Already Have Dennis DiClaudio 9780760366349 Books Reviews
- First off, this is not a book for the faint of heart. It is, however, the perfect read for those with an off-the-wall sense of humor.
Mr. DiClaudio has compiled a list of forty-five of the most outlandish, obscure, and downright nasty diseases that you're likely to ever run across. Hopefully, on second thought, you'll never run across any of them, but in case you do, if you've read this book you'll at least be prepared for the horrid and totally disgusting ways with which you will suffer.
The diseases are broken up into categories, including Autoimmune, Bacterial, Genetic & Neurological, Idiopathic, Parasitic, Toxic & Fungal, and Viral & Prionic.
Although I found myself laughing hysterically at some of Mr. DiClaudio's observations, I sincerely hope to never find myself on the receiving end of these diseases. And, truth be told, I can't decide if I'd rather have worms living on my eyeball, having my flesh begin to decay while I'm still alive, or suffering from fatal familial insomnia (in which case, I'll never sleep again, and will probably spend my final waking hours wishing I had a disease as simple as worms living on my eyeball or having my flesh decay while I'm still alive).
Overall, a great way to spend a couple of hours. However, if you suspect you suffer from any of these forty-five diseases, you might want to actually see a doctor. - This book is the best! Factually accurate but presented humorously. Will crack you up and terrify you at the same time.
- DeClaudio has written several "Guide Books" that are excellent to leave laying around for guests to pick up, turn to any page and get a smile. He has basically taken a subject and then bull dog through the topics that are most apt to make the reader squirm (and laugh out loud). Lots of fun. I'm using the same review of all books in the series. No matter which ones you choose you'll enjoy equally.....bg
- awesome gift for the hypochondriac in your life
- Funny. After reading this, I think I am getting sick.
- Hilarious book! Wonderful addition to my library and purchased one for a friend.
- This book was a delight. I work in a Radiology department of a community hospital. All of us got a hoot out of this book. We even have some of these patients. I have bought several copies as my copy keeps disappearing!
- Eh...nothing new or interesting