» Download PDF A Brave Face Two Cultures Two Families and the Iraqi Girl Who Bound Them Together Barbara Marlowe Teeba Furat Marlowe Jennifer Keirn 9780785221364 Books
Barbra Camacho on Friday, May 31, 2019
Download PDF A Brave Face Two Cultures Two Families and the Iraqi Girl Who Bound Them Together Barbara Marlowe Teeba Furat Marlowe Jennifer Keirn 9780785221364 Books

Product details - Hardcover 256 pages
- Publisher Thomas Nelson (March 12, 2019)
- Language English
- ISBN-10 0785221360

A Brave Face Two Cultures Two Families and the Iraqi Girl Who Bound Them Together Barbara Marlowe Teeba Furat Marlowe Jennifer Keirn 9780785221364 Books Reviews
- I live in the Cleveland area so i was aware of this story for years, but never knew the whole story. When i found out a book was written i immediately bought two copies, one for myself, and one for my mother, who loves these kinds of books. I was blown away as I read of all the turmoil that actually ensued. It's both heartbreaking and heartwarming as you follow the struggle of Barbara trying help a child thousands of miles away. From the fight to get her to the U.S., to the nonstop surgeries to repair Teeba's skin, to the fight to keep her in the U.S., while at the same time trying to educate people about the plight of burn victims, and easing people's views on U.S./Iraqi relations, I couldn't stop reading. I work with people every day who complain constantly about traffic and how long the hot water takes to warm up in the handsink. I personally want to buy every one of those people a copy of this book. You will like this if you have a soul. Buy it.
- We have been close friends with the Marlowes and Teeba for many years and have always been spellbound by their story, but to read it all in one succinct book from front to back was a whole other experience. The pictures really convey so much of the story; look at Teeba's soulful eyes and you will see why Barbara was so inspired. Teeba has overcome remarkable odds and is an inspiration for many. Teeba is joyful, soulful and has emotional and intellectual intelligence that surpasses most adults. The story is creatively narrated from three perspectives - Teeba, her American mom, Barbara and her Iraqi birth mom, Dunia - which makes for a compelling and a "from the heart" story line. If you think you are having a bad day, read this and it will put your "first world" problems in perspective. Tell your teens to put their phones down and read this story!
- A heartwarming story where love crossed all boundaries and brought two families together. Both mothers sacrificed in their own ways to make sure Teeba is loved and cared for. I invited both Barbara and Teeba to speak at my Rotary Club last year. Teeba spoke so gracefully about her experience and by the end of the presentation brought tears to everyone’s eyes, but it’s the good kind of tears, the kind that makes you feel there is still good in this world and there are true angles, like Barbara, walking around us. I read this book and couldn’t put it down until I finished it, even though I knew parts of the story. This book has been written from the heart and you will feel it. I think in this day and age we need more stories like this that connects people to people through acts of love and humanity.
- This book is both heartbreaking and heartwarming. From the beginning, your mind is captured by the cover alone and on the inside, it captures your heart in a way that you can't imagine, nor forget. It is a true testament to the fact that angels do walk this earth and they are among us and each of us has the capacity to change the world if we only open our minds and our hearts. My only advice, be sure to have a tissue handy, you will need it. To Barbara and Tim, God has a special place in heaven for you. Teeba, you are destined to change the world for the better and this is one of many ways that you have already begun to do what God has put you on this earth to accomplish. To each of you, you already have a place in my heart. Thank you.
- To read this story is to believe nothing is impossible! It is a miracle how Barbara was tapped on the shoulder from above and opened her heart and home to this extremely vulnerable girl, Teeba. Loved, loved the different perspectives of Barbara, Teeba, and Dunia. And to read about the reunion of all of them in Dubai was just a tear jerker. It is hard to imagine a deeper love than these two Amer-Iraqi moms. Takes my breath away. I highly recommend buying this book and giving it to friends. I bought 5 and likely will buy more!
- I laughed and I cried as I read this beautiful story. My heart was bursting as I read. All that these two families went through really touched my heart. This book pulls you in as if you are right there with them through all the struggles of getting Teeba to the U.S., keeping her here and all the surgeries that Teeba had to have. A true story of two families with unselfish love for a little girl..
- I had met the Marlowes and Teeba, and knew many aspects of Barbara's connection to Teeba. However, reading their story in this amazing memoir was fascinating and inspiring.
I enjoyed reading it immensely and already asked the librarian at my middle school to order a copy for our library. - Touching story showing how good people can be. Teeba is an extraordinary young lady. It’s wonderful to read how God wove these two families together.