Read Online The Courage to Heal Workbook A Guide for Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Laura Davis 9780060964375 Books

In this groundbreaking companion to The Courage to Heal, Laura Davis offers an inspiring, in-depth workbook that speaks to all women and men healing from the effects of child sexual abuse. The combination of checklists, writing and art Projects, open-ended questions and activities expertly guides the survivor through the healing process.
- Survival Skills—Teaches survivors to create a safe, supportive environment, ask for help, deal with crisis periods, and choose therapy.
- Aspects Of Healing—Focuses on the healing process gaining a capacity for hope, breaking silence, letting go of shame, turning anger into action, planning a confrontation, preparing for family contact, and affirming personal progress.
- Guidelines For Healing Sexually—Redefines the concept of "safe sex" and establishes healthy ground rules for sexual contact.
Read Online The Courage to Heal Workbook A Guide for Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Laura Davis 9780060964375 Books
"After so many years of depression, despair, and groping for help, I found three things to be critical life-changers for my depression and post-traumatic stress related to sexual abuse:
1) This break-through book and the regular Courage to Heal Book, also sold on Amazon (hand-in-hand),
2) Bellruth Naparstek's CD's with guided imagery and affirmations for Depression (also sold on Amazon--the reviews tell the story of this wonderful tool), and
3) EMDR therapy, which is a form of therapy that has recently been proven in clinical studies to help substantially with PTSD (you can read about it on WebMD and other sites); it's a pretty amazing process.
I clung to my Courage to Heal book and workbook during the most difficult years of healing, and it lit my path. During times when I felt I was staring down a bottomless pit of despair, these books gave me hope. It helped so much to hear choruses of voices of other survivors, who almost became like friends. And it helped me understand my trauma in larger social and political contexts. I wasn't alone. The book and workbook helped me start writing, thinking, feeling, and creatively working my way through events that had scarred me well into my 40's.
Now I buy these books and Bellruth Naparstek's CD's for my students who have gone through this trauma. As the author says, it's often important for survivors of child sexual abuse to get therapy as well, and I found that was necessary. Therapists range widely in their talents and abilities to deal with this issue. Often, this book was much better than the quality of therapy I could get. At the same time, an outstanding therapist could take me light years forward, and of course EMDR therapy has recently come along as a powerful tool if you can afford it. Through it all, these books have been my soul's companion. None of this is easy, thanks to the brutality of people who do unthinkable things at the batting of an eye that can devastate a young soul for a lifetime, but we can rebuild our lives and get free of the power they have over us."
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Tags : The Courage to Heal Workbook A Guide for Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse [Laura Davis] on . In this groundbreaking companion to <em>The Courage to Heal, </em> Laura Davis offers an inspiring,Laura Davis,The Courage to Heal Workbook A Guide for Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse,Harper Perennial,0060964375,Abuse,Adult child sexual abuse victims - Psychology,Adult child sexual abuse victims - Rehabilitation,Adult child sexual abuse victims - Rehabilitation - United States,Adult child sexual abuse victims;Psychology.,Adult child sexual abuse victims;Rehabilitation.,Self-help techniques,Self-help techniques.,Abuse - General,Adult child sexual abuse victims,BODY, MIND SPIRIT / Healing / General,Coping with personal problems,General,Health Fitness/General,Psychology,Rehabilitation,SELF-HELP / Abuse,SELF-HELP / Self-Management / General,Self-Help,Self-help personal development,Social Science/Women's Studies,Women's Studies - General,Adult child sexual abuse victi,United States,Reference
The Courage to Heal Workbook A Guide for Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Laura Davis 9780060964375 Books Reviews :
The Courage to Heal Workbook A Guide for Women and Men Survivors of Child Sexual Abuse Laura Davis 9780060964375 Books Reviews
- As a person dealing with Major depressive disorder and PTSD due to both child abuse, trauma and extensive child and young adult sexual abuse, I have tried many workbooks to No avail. I couldn't connect to the book, and work required. My Therapist finally suggested this workbook, and for the first time in years, I was able to truly start to do the work towards healing. Its not a miracle book, as you know there is no cure to PTSD, and some types of depression, but it helps through stories, suggestions on how to deal with different aspects of the condition, and includes your family and or partner .
I highly recommend this workbook for survivors and victims of this horrific abuse. - I recommend the workbook over the book. Or at least buy them both. The workbook is less triggering and in my opinion more practical and a better help. But that’s coming from someone who already knew a lot about trauma. So if you are BRAND new then the straight up book can be helpful, but it is extremely triggering and a rough read. The workbook is much less so. I’m a therapist and would more recommend the workbook in conjunction with therapy than the book.
- Zero stars. This was someone’s diary of abuse. I find it unethical that anyone would sell this as a “slightly used†book. As a therapist who has worked with trauma for years I can say I’m appalled & question how the person would feel if she knew her personal story was in the hands of strangers.
- This book has helped me a lot in overcoming my mental blocks and traumas. It has a lot of stuff that you can do and is very easy to follow. I've had it for awhile and I do a few pages a month (Slow worker I'm sorry) but it's still going great so far.
The only reason I give this book a four star is for the cover. There are more calming and pleasing to the eye things you can do than slap caution sign yellow on a book meant to help you work through trauma. I'm an artist so looks of products mean more to me I feel than most people. That and it sticks out like a sore thumb on my bookshelf, so despite wanting this to be a book only for my own use, a lot of people are drawn to the vibrant flashy yellow when looking over my book collection. - Although, I do recommend that anyone who has suffered physical, emotional and/or sexual seek counseling of some sort. This workbook ask you the right questions to get to the heart of your issue of sexual abuse. I recommend anyone can be helped with this workbook and therapy.
- After so many years of depression, despair, and groping for help, I found three things to be critical life-changers for my depression and post-traumatic stress related to sexual abuse
1) This break-through book and the regular Courage to Heal Book, also sold on (hand-in-hand),
2) Bellruth Naparstek's CD's with guided imagery and affirmations for Depression (also sold on --the reviews tell the story of this wonderful tool), and
3) EMDR therapy, which is a form of therapy that has recently been proven in clinical studies to help substantially with PTSD (you can read about it on WebMD and other sites); it's a pretty amazing process.
I clung to my Courage to Heal book and workbook during the most difficult years of healing, and it lit my path. During times when I felt I was staring down a bottomless pit of despair, these books gave me hope. It helped so much to hear choruses of voices of other survivors, who almost became like friends. And it helped me understand my trauma in larger social and political contexts. I wasn't alone. The book and workbook helped me start writing, thinking, feeling, and creatively working my way through events that had scarred me well into my 40's.
Now I buy these books and Bellruth Naparstek's CD's for my students who have gone through this trauma. As the author says, it's often important for survivors of child sexual abuse to get therapy as well, and I found that was necessary. Therapists range widely in their talents and abilities to deal with this issue. Often, this book was much better than the quality of therapy I could get. At the same time, an outstanding therapist could take me light years forward, and of course EMDR therapy has recently come along as a powerful tool if you can afford it. Through it all, these books have been my soul's companion. None of this is easy, thanks to the brutality of people who do unthinkable things at the batting of an eye that can devastate a young soul for a lifetime, but we can rebuild our lives and get free of the power they have over us. - This book came came in perfect condition sand in the time as promised. It's a surprisingly big book and is going to take A LOT of time and emotional energy to complete, but I'd rather it be thorough than incomplete. From just skimming through it, I would recommend it only if you are really ready to do some difficult work!
- Great book to go along with The Courage to Heal book. Take your time and don't rush through it. Its about healing... not a race. Good luck and God Bless you on your journey!